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Michelle Beltran’s Blog

How to Find Your Soulmate

How to Find Your Soulmate

The concept of finding a soul mate has been around for centuries. Plato, the ancient Greek philosopher, talked of humans originally having four arms and legs and two faces until Zeus split them in two. Since then, we've been on a never-ending quest to find the other...

Maintaining Our Connection to Those We’ve Lost

Maintaining Our Connection to Those We’ve Lost

It often seems impossible in our grief to maintain a connection with our lost loved ones. If you want to continue the bond with your loved one, you can. We have some ways that you may not have thought of before, and hopefully will help you reach your lost loved one....

The Key Properties of the Seven Chakras

The Key Properties of the Seven Chakras

The chakras are the body's energy channels that affect one's mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. When they are blocked, a person will experience some of the misfortunes associated with that particular center. Here is a brief breakdown of the seven main chakras...

Discover the Ancient Practice of Numerology

Discover the Ancient Practice of Numerology

Numerology uses numbers from dates, times, and letters, and deciphers how they affect people. Practitioners of numerology use the data they acquire to help themselves or others decide what path to take in life, in a career, or a romantic relationship. Many use the...

What is Astral Projection?

What is Astral Projection?

If you've never practiced anything resembling spiritual exercise, astral projection may sound like the realm of fantasy. But if you've ever had an out of body experience in a dream, you may have tapped into that ability without even knowing it. Some practitioners...

Seeing Auras and What They Mean

Seeing Auras and What They Mean

Mainstream science has relegated the subject of human auras primarily to New Age mysticism. However, that is beginning to change. Some neurophysiologists have begun to meet New Agers halfway by suggesting that the ability to see a glowing aura surrounding a person is...

What is Guided Meditation?

What is Guided Meditation?

There are two kinds of meditation you'll need to consider when starting this practice: guided or unguided. Everyone will have a preference, but you'll benefit from knowing the unique benefits of guided meditation before you begin. About Guided Meditations A guided...

What Is Spiritual Grounding?

What Is Spiritual Grounding?

Men and women who perform energy work see spiritual grounding as the attempt to connect to the earth in various ways to bring mental and physical balance, which leads to spiritual well-being. If you have never performed any type of energy work, you might be surprised...

What is Frequency & How Can I Raise Mine?

What is Frequency & How Can I Raise Mine?

Everything in the universe has its own vibration. For instance, the Earth's magnetic frequency resonates at 7.83 hertz. Earth's frequency of 7.83 hertz has benefits on people, promoting rejuvenation, grounding, balance, enhanced memory, and more. People themselves...